domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Clément Marot

Clément Marot: 1496-1544. The dominant poet of the early sixteenth century. He wrote largely in the medieval tradition but with new playfulness and humour.

De sa grande amie

Dedans Paris, ville jolie,
Un jour passant mélancolie,
Je pris alliance nouvelle
A la plus gaie demoiselle
Qui soit d'ici en Italie.

D'honnêteté elle est saisie,
Et crois - selon ma fantaisie-
Qu'il n'en est guère de plus belle
Dedans Paris

Je ne la vous nommerai mie,
Sinon que c'est ma grand'amie,
Car l'alliance se fit telle
Par un doux baiser que j'eus d'elle,
Sans penser aucune infamie
Dedans Paris


On his darling

In Paris, that pretty town,
Throwing off melancholy one day,
I began a new friendship
With the gayest young lady
There is from here to Italy.

She's as virtuous as she could be
And I think - according to my ideas-
That there is hardly a prettier girl
In Paris

I shall certainly not tell you her name,
Except (to say) that she's my darling
For our friendship was sealed
By a sweet kiss I had from her
With no thought of any harm,
In Paris


2 comentários:

May disse...

Les poemes sont tres beaux et je suis en train de copier pour pratiquer!


Mírian Mondon disse...

Que bom que voce gostou, estou postando esses poemas porque minha filha tambem esta copiando.
A ideia é essa!
