sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2007

Mulher um doce mistério!

"A beleza é enganosa, e a formosura é passageira, mas a mulher que teme ao Senhor essa será louvada." Provébios 31:30

"Uma esposa exemplar, feliz quem a encontrar! É muito mais preciosa do que os rubis. Seu marido tem plena confiança nela e nunca lhe faltará coisa alguma." Provérbios 31: 10 e 11

"As mulheres constituem a metade mais bela do mundo." (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

"As mulheres julgam inocente tudo quanto se atrevem a fazer." (Joseph Joubert)

"Deve-se temer mais o amor de uma mulher, do que o ódio de um homem.Sócrates

"Amar apenas as belas mulheres e suportar os maus livros são sinais de decadência." (Joseph Joubert)

"O pudor dá às mulheres um encanto irresistível." (Anatole France)

"Pode-se graduar a civilização de um povo pela atenção, decência e consideração com que as mulheres são educadas, tratadas e protegidas."(Marquês de Maricá)

"O caminho da mulher honesta está juncado de flores; mas estas crescem atrás dos seus passos e não na frente." (John Ruskin)

"A mulher que amamos sempre terá razão." (Alfred de Musset)

"Não fale para uma mulher como ela é bonita; diga que não há outra mulher como ela, e todas estradas se abrirão para você." (Jules Renard)


2 comentários:

Mírian Mondon disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Jean-Louis disse...

My dear beloved Raquel ,

I assure you that I never read any of these author's thoughts on women before and I cannot accuse at least some of them of plagiarizing me,:) since they are gone, but it goes to show you that some of us men can appreciate and love women as a gift of God to humankind. I understand better your reaction to me, I assumed that I wasn't the only one who thought about womanhood the way I do and I am glad to see that throughout history there has been quite a few intelligent and sensitive men who tend to agree with me on the subject:).

May be it is because I love truth as found in the pages of our Scriptures and in the deep love that our Lord Jesus had for women at a time where they were not valued and appreciated for the treasures that they really are, although it's there all troughout the Bible.

Perhaps again, it is because I refuse to believe the lies, prejudices, misconceptions and stereotypes about women and have tried to find what is real and true about people. I know that our eyes cannot see clearly if when we look outwardly at a person and at the same time look inside at the false knowledge accumulated during a life time, may be in part due to our own bad experiences. What we think and feel inside our minds and hearts apart from the reality of true love, will give us a blurred, distorted and discolored image of the person. Only the eyes that reflect the purity of God's love will be able to see clearly and help the object of our love see themselves as God sees them through us.

Thank you Mirian, that through you gentle corrections and heart adjustments, you help me see you as you are, a beautiful flower who keeps blooming and never looses its sweet fragrance, who always delights my heart, inspires my life like no other human being can do and opens my inner and outer horizons to new discoveries about the Lord, about you, myself and the world around us.

I thank our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus for having allowed us to meet at the cross road of destiny.

Always your faithful and grateful friend and fiance.