domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008

A Christian Submissive Wife

The Beauties and The Duties

When I choose submission, what am I choosing? I can't hold myself up as a perfectly submissive wife and I don't have all the answers, but I can share some thoughts from my personal perspective. What are my goals? What are my dreams? What am I asking for, in my husband and in myself? Not perfection. I know that's not possible in this world. But I do want to keep trying to pursue the sort of life I think God wants me to live for him.

Submission in its many aspects is pleasing to God. (2 Chronicles 30:8, Job 22:21, Romans 13:1) Everyone has various people at various times in their lives they must submit to, and ultimately we must all submit to God if we are to be pleasing to him. Further, in Ephesians 5:22-33, we are told that the Christian marriage is a small shadowy picture of how the church should relate to Jesus. As I experience the difficulties and the pleasures of living in harmony with someone who is in authority over me and yet loves me sacrificially, I get a first-hand practical glimpse of the sort of relationship God wants with His body here on earth, the church. I am learning about heavenly things in a very earthly way, but it's a way I can relate to and understand. Submission is a very basic idea in a Christian life. Submission of a wife to her husband will be a very rewarding and growing experience, but it won't be easy, that's for sure.

Peace in the home and in the marriage relationship is the first attraction of living in submission. Many women are attracted to submission because of a desire to live in a more peaceful home. When any group of people has more than one leader struggling for control, there can be jealousy, confusion and chaos. When I as a wife give the gift of submission to my husband, I can begin to put away some of my struggles and relax.

Another positive aspect for me as a wife is the security that submission can bring. When I know that my husband is going to think of me and our family first, then make the decision according to what is best for everyone, I can enjoy the feeling that I don't have to make all the calls or try to take control. The end result of a difference of opinion is not a winner and a loser because I am not trying to fight. I am trying to support, and everyone will win. That security can give me the freedom to grow and mature in my own spirit, knowing that my husband will support me as well, since he's not having to try to save face or keep his position. Each spouse is free to develop in his or her own way when we know our basic roles and duties.

The third benefit is encouragement. In knowing that we as a couple are both working towards a common goal, I can find encouragement. I can draw strength from the idea that I am not just treading water in my marriages but really taking steps to thrive. In this effort the only failure would be to quit trying, so I can enjoy the new beginning each day brings.

As I support and submit to my husband, sometimes I find that my husband gives me more encouragement as well. If we share this goal as a couple, that will be a beautiful thing, to mutually tend and cherish this submission, through good times and bad. This goal could provide a source of joy for us through personal triumphs or tragedies. Despite job issues, child-rearing challenges or even natural disasters, we can feel we are still working for the benefit of our family.

The duties of the Christian wife begin with encouragement as well. Even a wife just starting off in exploring submission can practice the simple step of encouragement. She can find something to compliment her husband about rather than tear him down. The wife who has lived for years developing an attitude of submission can benefit again from looking for ways where she can bless her husband. Though I should not bless sin in my husband, I can at the very least respect his position as husband.

When I try to encourage my husband in his role as leader, my husband can feel free to return the sentiments and lift me up. Instead of the two of us tearing each other down with criticism and avoidance, we can build each other up as we so often do with other believers but so tragically forget to do at home. How many times do I faithfully pray for a friend with health problems, but forget to pray for my husband as he leads our home? What wonderful benefits I can gain with the simple habit of encouragement, especially through prayer! I gain the knowledge that I have prayed, I gain the benefits of God's answers to my prayers (whatever those may be) and I grow closer in love and commitment to my husband.

Another duty is to give my input honestly and willingly before decisions are made. It's not fair for me to expect my husband to take my feelings into account without telling him about those feelings at the right time and in a respectful manner. If I don't remind him how I feel, he may either forget or not even know how I feel. I don't care how many years we have been married, there are still times when he surprises me and I imagine he would say the same about me surprising him. Why not take the opportunity to share with him my reactions and ideas? He may not go with them in his decision, but at least I'll know he has heard me.

A third duty for me to remember is to support my husband in his decisions once they are made. I used to think that it was enough if I didn't put up a fuss, but went along with what he said. I still think that's a healthy attitude. Now, however, I think it is important not only to go along with his calls when I don't agree, but also to try to find something good about his choices in the first place. Even if I think my husband's decision is a cloud, it probably has a silver lining if I am willing to look for it. Submission is a gift, and if we are both to enjoy it to the fullest, it would be best for me to give it with a smile and a pat on the back, rather than grumbling all the way. I may not be able to change my opinion, but I can at least find good in his opinion, too.

Along with this idea of supporting my husband's decisions comes the idea of no recriminations when things go wrong. No one is perfect. Eventually even the most loving, wise husband will make a bad call and things will go sour. What should I do about it? Why not give him the benefit of the doubt, encourage him to keep trying, remind him that he did his best or whatever else he needs so that his mistake won't beat him down? He's probably already beating himself up over the mistake. He doesn't need me to make it worse. I might talk with him about how we can fix the problem or avoid it next time, but without blame or bitterness. I know it's hard, but I really am trying to encourage my husband even when things don't go well.

These duties are not easy and I won't claim they are. It's not as if we can just flip a switch and *poof* we can be submissive. It doesn't work that way. These efforts take practice, patience, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to truly pay off. The more effort we are willing to put in and the more we open ourselves up to God's direction and our husbands leadership, the richer and fuller our lives become. I guess the more we practice the duties, the more we'll see the beauties.

by Susan - sent by Amanda

3 comentários:

Mírian Mondon disse...

“This is a very important issue in regard to marriage and also in everyday life. God designed the act of submission in Genesis. Even before sin entered the world, there was still the principle of headship (1 Timothy 2:13). Adam was created first, and Eve was created to be a “helper” for Adam. At the same time, in the beginning, since there was no sin, there was no authority for man to obey except God’s authority. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world and then authority was needed. Therefore, God established the authority needed to enforce the laws of the land and also to provide us with the protection we need. First, we need to submit to God, which is the only way we can truly obey Him (James 1:21 and James 4:7). In 1 Corinthians 11:2-3, we find that the husband is to submit to Christ as Christ did to God. Then the verse says that the wife should follow his example and submit to her husband. Other verses about Christ submitting to God are found in Matthew 26:39 and John 5:30.

Submission is a natural response to loving leadership. When a husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25-33), then submission is a natural response from a wife to her husband. The Greek word translated submit (Hupotasso) is the continuing form of the verb. This means that to submit to God, our leaders, and our husband is not a one-time decision. It is a continual attitude of our minds, which becomes a pattern of behavior. The submission talked about in Ephesians 5 is not talking about one-sided subjection by a believer to a selfish-domineering person. Biblical submission is designed to be between two Spirit-filled believers who are mutually yielded to each other and to God. Submission is a two-way street. Submission is a position of honor and completeness. When a wife is loved as Christ loves the church, submission is not difficult. Ephesians 5:24 says, “just as the church submits itself to Christ.” This verse is saying that the wife is to submit to her husband in everything that is right and lawful. Therefore, the wife is under no obligation to disobey the law or neglect her relationship to God.

The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved. The “submit” in Ephesians 5:21 is the same word as in 5:22. Believers are to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Verses 19-21 are all results of being filled with the Holy Spirit (5:18). Spirit-filled believers are to be worshipful (5:19), thankful (5:20), and submissive (5:21). Paul then follows his line of thought on Spirit-filled living and applies it to husbands and wives in verses 22-33.”

She then goes on to say,

“If a woman “is submissive” to her husband the church says that her husband will respect and love her all the more. As bad as it sounds there is an order to things and a womans place is beside her husband not above Or below him but beside him. Eve Was sent here as a “helper” for Adam.

I’m not saying that a woman should not let her desires and needs known but she should not expect to be waited on hand and foot either. If a woman takes care of her husbands needs and desires he will be moved to take care of hers.”

I love her response and it makes a lot of sense to me and I thought it was worth sharing with everyone.

by Susan - sent by Amanda

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Mírian Mondon disse...

I am sorry I can't help you!